Perennial Ryegrass is the most popular choice in New Zealand for permanent pastures. It's quick establishing, yields well, has a high nutritive value and can tolerate various management practices. Combine a perennial ryegrass with white clover for a superb all-round pasture.
Ryegrass is a diploid plant naturally, having two sets of chromosomes. A number of tetraploid cultivars have now been developed and have four sets of chromosomes. Tetraploids generally have larger tillers, but fewer of them and are more palatable, but less robust. Tetraploid seeds are larger than seeds of a diploid, so therefore require a higher sowing rate.
Diploid cultivars
Abergreen AR1 - Fine-leaved/dense tillers. Late heading; + 17 days
Abermagic LE - UK cultivar, dense tillers. Late heading; + 19 days.
Array NEA2/LE - New cultivar that’s upright, leafy and densely tillered; delivering high intake, yield, nitrogen uptake and persistence.
Barrier U2 - Festulolium. Late heading; +16 days.
Excess AR1/AR37 - Suited to dairy, beef & sheep systems. Mid heading; + 7 days.
Expo AR1/AR37 - Very high tiller density and low aftermath heading. Late heading; + 21 days
Governor AR1/AR37/LE - Fine dense tillers and low aftermath heading. Heading date +8 days.
Hustle AR1/RGT18 - Heading date +8 days.
Legion AR1/AR37 - A cultivar with very good density, tiller size and leaf length. Excellent rust tolerance. Late heading; +12-14 days.
Matrix SE/LE - Fine-leaved, dense tillers, late flowering; + 23 days
Maxsyn NEA4/LE - A new cultivar on the market; a cross between Alto and Arrow. Persistent, tough and densely tillered with superior summer and autumn growth. Very high DM yield. Suitable for all farm systems. Heading date + 8 days.
Moxie AR1 - +0 days
Nui (Certified or uncertified) - 0 days
ONE50 AR1/AR37/LE - Medium leaf and tiller size. Late heading; + 20 days.
Platform AR37/AR1 - Medium leaf and high tiller density. Late heading; +12 days.
Prospect AR1/AR37 - Dense, fine leafed with a late heading date; + 12 days.
Raider NEA2 - Late heading; + 18 days.
Reason AR37 - Mid heading (+3)
Rely AR1/AR37 - Fine leaf and dense tillers. Mid heading date; + 0 days.
Request AR1/AR37 - Good spring, autumn and winter production. Mid heading; +0 days.
Rohan NEA2/LE - Persistent, spreading perennial, + 18 days
Samson AR1/AR37/LE - Medium tillered and fast establishing. Mid heading date; + 3 days.
Stampede CM142/LE - New cultivar derived from Matrix, One50 and Prospect genetics. New novel endophyte CM142 provides tolerance against a range of destructive pasture pests, including: Argentine Stem Weevil, Black Beetle adults, Porina Caterpillar and Root Aphid with low risk of ryegrass staggers or heat stress.
Three60 AR37 - The successor to ONE50. Medium to fine tiller size. Late heading; +20 days.
Tyson NEA4/LE - Early heading - 7 days.
Ultra AR1/LE - Fine leaved. Late heading; + 20 days.
tetraploid cultivars
AberGain Nil / AR1 - A densely tillered, high sugar ryegrass. Very late heading; +24 days.
Align AR1 / AR37 - Very strong summer and autumn growth and excellent crown rust tolerance. Align's dense and productive growth habit creates a ground cover that can be more tolerant in early spring.Very late heading, +35 days.
Avatar CM142/NEA/LE - Very late heading; +22 days. Now available in new novel endophyte CM142. CM142 provides tolerance against a range of destructive pasture pests, including: Argentine Stem Weevil, Black Beetle adults, Porina Caterpillar and Root Aphid with lower risk of ryegrass staggers or heat stress.
Base AR1 / AR37 - Fine-leaved, high yielding and low aftermath heading. Late heading; + 22 days.
Halo AR1 - Good tiller density. Very late heading; + 25 days.
Vast AR37 - Strong annual production with exceptional summer and autumn productivity, and excellent rust tolerance. Extremely late heading date (+36 days) boosting late seasonal pasture quality.
Viscount NEA4 / LE - Upright, good early spring growth. Late heading; + 19 days.
4front NEA2 / LE - A new cultivar with superior year-round growth and improved persistence. Heading +15 days.
variaties No Longer Available
Alto AR37/LE - Fine, dense tillers, late heading + 14 days
Ansa Happe - Late heading;+ 14 days.
Arrow AR1/LE - Medium-late heading date + 7 days
Bronte Happe - Diploid, +21 days
Stellar AR1 - Fine leaved, + 8 days
24 Seven Edge - Heading date + 24 days.
Trojan NEA/LE - Late heading; + 16 days