White Clovers
Aberlasting - A cross of Caucasian clover and white clover with a rhizomatous root system. Excellent cold tolerance; can withstand overnight temperatures down to –20ºC.
Abernormous - A high yielding, large leaved clover that’s suitable for rotational dairy and cattle grazing, and silage pastures.
Apex - Persistent and high yielding with a small-medium leaf. Increased stolon growing points means Apex is more tolerant of drought and pests.
Demand - A persistent medium leaf sized clover that’s suitable for all livestock farming systems.
Hilltop - Small-medium leaved with high stolon density. Suitable for drier, lower fertility conditions and hill/high country grazing systems.
Huia - NZ Natural selection, small/medium leaved.
Kakariki - A high yielding, large leaved white clover with high stolon density.
Kotuku - Large leaved and high yielding with superior summer growth.
Klondike - Large leaved with high stolon density and persistence. Excellent production in late winter, early spring, and summer.
Legacy - A large leaved high yielding cultivar with high stolon density and excellent cool season activity.
Mainstay - Large-leaved and high producing. Most suited to high-yielding grass pastures.
Mantra - A very large leaved, mid flowering cultivar with strong winter and early spring growth. Mantra has a semi-erect growth habit, high stolon number and thick stolons.
Nomad - Small to medium leaved and most suited to drier regions. Nomad has strong autumn stolon recovery after dry summers and is persistent under hard grazing.
Quartz - Medium leaved with good dry matter yields.
Quest - Medium/large leaf size with a high tolerance to clover root weevil. Strong spring and summer growth with good frost tolerance and winter growth.
Riesling - Medium-large leaved, high stolon density and good production.
Sustain - Medium-large leaved.
Tahora II - Small-medium leaved with good excellent persistence.
Tribute - Medium-large leaved, high stolon density
Weka - Medium, large leaved
White Clover (uncertified)
White Clover (on sample)
No Longer available:
Kopu II - Large leaved
Kotare - Large leaved for dairy & beef
Sophie - Medium leaved
red clovers
Hamua - Early flowering, medium leaved.
Malbec - Upright, large leaved, high yielding.
Morrow - Suitable for all farm types. Medium oestrogen levels.
Reaper - A large leaved diploid with a semi-erect growth habit. Reaper is high yielding and highly palatable with fine stems. Suitable for both grazing and for hay and silage. Low oestrogen levels.
Relish - Medium leaved and early heading with a semi-prostrate growth habit. Low oestrogen levels.
Sensation - An early flowering, medium leaved diploid with an upright growth habit and moderate levels of formononetin.
Tuscan - Medium leaved, early flowering, improved persistence under grazing.
sub clovers
Antas - Very large leaved and requires a higher pH (above 5.7) than other Sub Clovers. A brachycalycinum sub species.
Mawson nza
Monti - An early maturing yanninicum cultivar with excellent early winter growth. Suitable for low rainfall areas and slow draining soil.
Viper Annual Clover
Lightning Persian Clover
Allure Persian Clover
Strawberry Clover
Captain Crimson Clover
Lotus Corniculatus
Trojan Lotus
Lotus Maku
Force 4
Stamina 5
Pioneer 54V09
Pioneer 55V50